Friday, February 14, 2020
Organizational Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organizational Communication - Essay Example About Toyota Motors Inc Toyota Motors Inc. is one of the top-selling automobile manufacturing companies in the United States providing breakthrough products that cater to a wide range of consumers, and promoting quality, dependability and reliability for over fifty years (Toyota Inc., 2013). A significant proportion of the company's success can be attributed to its almost flawless communication strategies. The company has successfully managed to communicate its visions and ideas concerning its environmental approach, its emphasis on recycling, and providing top quality products to its customers. The effectiveness of the communication strategies adopted by the company is apparent from the unprecedented success of its green environmentally friendly products such as the Prius, which managed to become a revolutionary product idea and a leader in the automobile industry. For the purpose of this study, the concept of organizational communication will be probed with respect to the following management theories: Classical Scientific Management, Human Resources, Systems and Contingency, and Culture with reference to Toyota Inc. Theoretical analysis: Classical Scientific Management: The classical theories of management primarily focus on establishing the most effective job performance functions. The key aim of scientific management is to ensure enhanced job efficiency by developing technical skills, implementing strict rules for compliance, and effectively managing the organizational structure. The Scientific management theory also alternatively referred to as Taylorism, was pioneered by Fredrick Winslow Taylor, for scientifically analyzing jobs and redesigning them in order to improve their efficiency (Daft, 2009). The key elements of this theory include (Lussier, 2011: 40): Development of a systematic procedure that entailed a detailed description of each specific job assigned to the workers Promote job specialization Implement scientific methods of training and develo pment across the organization to improve worker efficiency Establish a systematic work schedule Introduce standardized methods and times for accomplishing each task Offer piece rates and bonuses to employees as positive incentives to encourage improved performance. The production management system employed by Japanese firms such Toyota, for instance, which introduced the just-in-time systems, can be classified as scientific management method. Since this system was introduced by engineers it is most aptly effective in manufacturing industries (Besser, 1996; Price, 2011). The large scale production processes implemented by Toyota were highly scientific in approach and focused on detailed planning. Key emphasis was given on division of labor, effective allocation of jobs, and introducing innovative techniques to enhance worker coordination to minimize the risk of errors and avoid wastage. Such scientific management approach adopted by Toyota ultimately helped the company in catapulting to instant fame, making them the industry leaders in automobile manufacturing, customer service, and product innovation. The key
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Education by Computer - a Better Way Research Paper
Education by Computer - a Better Way - Research Paper Example Education together with learning is essential to everybody, as theà principalà techniques of ensuring aà productiveà and sustainableà society. Because of globalization, which leads to increase in theà scopeà of jobs, it isà essentialà to provide quality education to ensureà productionà ofà knowledgeableà and well-informed employees. Currently,à emergenceà ofà expertiseà andà informationà as the main features for development and economic growth are among issues widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Among the poor people, theyà claimà thatà learningà using a computer is expensive and at times may not be affordable to them. On the other hand, the richà argueà that computerizedà learningà isà crucial, and it is affordable. Therefore, the gap among the poor and the rich becomesà wide. In addition, some individuals may not be able to access the modern facilities due to their financial statures, place of residence, and age. However, despite the challenges that mayà exist, most of the individuals advocate for education using the computer system. Some of the effects associated with computerà systemà of education include their ability toà accelerateà learning. ... The learning conditions while using computers is favorable as one has theà opportunityà of choosing a friendly environment toà studyà especially while usingà privateà computers. It is by using computers that the desired changes in pedagogy will be possible (Postman 15). The use of computers inà educationà over time raised debates as many people began toà criticizeà its use by adolescents and children. This regarded the use of computers in high school and primary schools. However, some individuals supported computer use in schools and at home. Those in support of education by computerà stateà that, with computers, it willà enhanceà achievementà by students. In addition, theyà claimà that it isà essentialà to use computer in teaching students at an early age to avoid the possibility of lagging behind. This is possible because, schoolsà getà computers from business communities trying toà facilitateà corporate social responsibility. This mean s that tuition feesà getà someà subsidy, hence affordable to a majority. Parents also claim that, because of incorporation ofà educationà by computers at an early age, it helps ensure thatà creationà of high tech world for a better tomorrow work force. The use of the internet enables students to be close to teachers, students from other schools, andà beà connected with other professionals globally (Ortega and Bravo 9). In addition, it will ensure that students are up to-date regarding issues happening. The idea ofà educationà by computer, when analyzed critically, is a noble idea. This will help to speed upà educationà andà learning. At the same time, use of the internet will make the users up toà dateà regarding issues happening globally. Despite all the positive results associated withà educationà by computers, there
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